Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill Part Two

In our last blog, we offered some tips on how to save money on your electric bill by managing your HVAC system. This time we will focus on some other ways you can manage your electrical use in ways that will drive your electric bill down even further. Consider these strategies for lowering your electrical usage:


Wash clothes in cold water

A great way to save on electricity is to adjust the temperature of your clothes washing cycle. The cold water helps colors not bleed together and allows the water heater not to have to heat the water to clean your clothes. Families with large clothing loads every single week can save a lot on their electricity by just switching to a cold water cycle.

Use appliances and electronics judiciously

Switch ceiling fans and lights off when leaving the room. Use power strips for your electronics and turn the power strip entirely off when not in use or in standby mode. Also, lightbulbs can have a significant impact on how energy is used in the home. 

Replacing incandescent light bulbs with LED lights or compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) may be a bit pricier initially, but will save in the long term.

Seal window and door leaks

Window and door leaks cause unnecessary air leaks for the home. Months or years of going unnoticed is money flying out the door. Checking windows and doors for leaks today and adequately sealing can save on electric bills next month. Making a point to weatherstrip, caulk, or replace seals that need it will keep unnecessary air from escaping or coming in. Not only does proper sealing of a home help with energy savings, but it also helps you and your family stay comfortable within your space.

Some additional energy-saving tips: 

  • Wear warm or cooler clothes dependent on the feel of your home, sometimes just putting on long sleeves when the house is cold can save you from having to start the heater. 

  • Keep your water tank at 120 degrees if not being used for showers for excellent water heating savings while you’re away or not in use. 

Keeping the electric bill low at home shouldn’t be a daunting task, and by simply following some of the tips and tricks we’ve provided above should help keep your home electric running efficiently. For more energy and electrical savings tips, feel free to contact us directly as we’re always here to help!

When you need a licensed electrician for commercial or residential electrical needs, call Zimmerman Electric at 310-378-1323.